The pair were brought together in BBC’s The Real Mo Farah in which Sir Mo revealed he was trafficked to the UK

SIR Mo Farah has allegedly been hounded for money by the man whose name he took.

The Olympic hero, 41, offered to help the other Mo, after a 2022 TV show but it ended in emotional blackmail, it is claimed.

The four-time Olympic gold medallist took the name of Mo Farah, above, when he was illegally trafficked to the UK aged nine
Sir Mo winning 5,000m and 10,000m at Rio 2016

A source said: “It’s so sad.”

Sir Mo claims he has had to change his phone number after “incessant demands” for cash from his namesake.

The four-time Olympic gold medallist took the name of a child called Mo Farah when he was illegally trafficked to the UK aged nine.

Sir Mo promised to stay in touch, and it is understood he has sent up to £5,000 to his namesake.

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